Save on Energy with a Smart Home System
Does it seem like your household energy bills get higher in the summer? In 2020, many people will see theirs being even higher due to staying home more this year. To combat this, some serious cost cutting measures are in order. But if kids have been home doing distance learning or parents have been there working remotely, it can be hard to use less energy. Fortunately, one way you may be able to cut costs is with your home’s cooling system. How is this doable in the hot Southern California summer? It’s possible if you have a smart home system, equipped with an energy-saving smart thermostat.
With its ENERGY STAR ® certified smart technology, a smart thermostat can help you save money every month, including the hot summer months. Here’s what you can expect it to do.
Automatically stop cooling when the house is empty.
One of the many ways we tend to use too much energy in the summer is by leaving the AC on when the house is empty. It might seem like a good idea at the time, until the bill arrives the following month. But with a smart thermostat, those days are over. Because it’s equipped with Geo-Services technology, your smart thermostat stops running the AC automatically when you leave the house. No more overcooling the house when nobody’s home, which keeps your energy bill down.
Tell you when open windows and doors are costing you money.
When a window or door is cracked open, the cold, conditioned air leaks out of the house – and figuratively, money leaks from your wallet along with it. But with a smart thermostat that’s connected to your security system and controlled by your smartphone, you’ll know immediately when a door or window is left open. Not only will you receive a notification, but the air conditioning will also automatically pause until the problem door or window is closed. This is smart technology that helps you save money all year long, especially in the summer.
Make your lighting more intelligent and connected.
Energy efficient lightbulbs are a great innovation, but their benefits only go so far. By changing out some of your existing household lighting for smart lights, you’ll be able to connect your lights to your security system and control them with your mobile phone.
From the palm of your hand, you’ll have the ability to turn lights on or off any time you want to. If you like, take things one step further and program them to come on at specific times of day. This cuts down on excessive lighting, which cuts down your energy bill.
With a smart thermostat, your days of paying too much for household energy can be over. Learn more about this technology by contacting Post Alarm Systems. We will be glad to answer your questions.
About Post Alarm Systems
To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.