Safety Technology for Aging Loved Ones
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Safety Technology for Aging Loved Ones

September 17th, 2020


Our parents and grandparents looked after our safety in our early years – and when they reach their golden years, it becomes our time to return the favor. Fortunately, there’s technology that makes it easier for us to continue watching over their safety when life gets busy. It’s the Wellness suite, a system that features products and services available to you right here at Post Alarm Systems.
During this time of widespread health concerns, Wellness can be the solution for adult children and grandchildren who are unable to be in the same home as their aging loved ones. Using Wellness to watch over the safety of Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa can be the next best thing to staying home with them. The technology allows you to:
  • Check in on them any time of day via the Wellcam
  • Communicate with them via two-way audio
  • Receive alerts when there’s unusual activity
  • See and speak to them easily on the mobile app
  • Give up to 10 family members access to the account
  • Connect to bed sensors, chair sensors and medication boxes
  • View a daily highlight reel of their activity
And like a traditional medical alert system, Wellness includes a callout button for your loved one to reach help when it’s needed. But unlike those traditional systems, Wellness does not require your loved one to wear a pendant. That means more independence they can feel good about.
To discuss Wellness and other home security technology to help you watch over aging loved ones, call Post Alarm Systems today. We look forward to hearing from you.

About Post Alarm Systems

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.
3 Ways to Keep Your Neighborhood Safer
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3 Ways to Keep Your Neighborhood Safer

September 17th, 2020


For most homeowners, concerns about criminal activity don’t stop at the front door; they extend throughout the entire neighborhood. Maybe that’s why, according to a new home security poll, 55% of us watch each other’s homes when we travel. With that in mind, here are three ways to make your neighborhood a safer place for everyone.

1. Connect with your neighbors.

Getting to know your neighbors is a lost art, but your mutual safety goals can help bring you together. By connecting with those who live around you, you can build trusting relationships and work together to keep everyone safe.
Of course, it can be hard to connect with your neighbors in person. Consider using simple digital tools, like neighborhood Facebook groups and mobile apps. These platforms are great for sharing information and discussing any suspicious neighborhood activity.

2. Use electronic home security.

Electronic home security systems are major obstructions to burglars and thieves. Many of them check front yards for alarm signs and cameras – and if they can tell a system is installed, most will decide it’s not worth the risk. Now, imagine if everyone on your street had a home security system. Chances are, those would-be criminals would avoid your entire block. It’s another way neighbors can work together to keep everyone safe.

3. Add smart security cameras.

Many criminals operate by returning to the same neighborhoods over and over. If you and your neighbors have smart security cameras, you can be the key to capturing these repeat offenders in the act. Smart security cameras send video alerts to your phone; these are clips you can download and share via text, email or social media. Not only can you share them with your neighbors; you can also share them with your local law enforcement.
Following these steps can make a real difference in the place you and your neighbors call home. To learn more about keeping your neighborhood safe with electronic security technology, call Post Alarm Systems. We will be happy to answer your questions.

About Post Alarm Systems

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.
How Smart Locks & Smart Security Go Hand in Hand
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How Smart Locks & Smart Security Go Hand in Hand

August 25th, 2020


You may have noticed that many of your home security devices are focused on protecting the area around the front door, starting with the doorbell camera and continuing with the first indoor motion sensors that detect whether there has been a break-in. But what about the door itself? That’s where smart locks come in.

What is a smart lock?

  • A timed auto-lock feature, should you forget to lock up when you leave or arrive home
  • Location-based locking reminders to your smartphone when you need them
  • One-touch remote locking, enabling you to lock doors from anywhere with your phone
  • Unexpected activity notifications, to notify you about unusual door locking events

There’s also integration into the Scenes feature on your home security app; more on that in a moment.

Can it connect to your other smart devices?

Yes! Your smart locks can link to the other smart devices in your home, and all can be controlled on your home security app. This enables you to perform all kinds of helpful home security actions, including unlocking the door for visitors after confirming who they are via video alert. This is great whether the visitor is a friend dropping by while you’re outside at the grill, or a delivery person dropping off a package while you’re at work.

Another thing you can do because of this device connection is use the Scenes feature on your app to lock the door, arm the security system and turn on the lights, all at the same time. If you have a smart thermostat, it can also be incorporated into those commands.

Can other people use my smart lock?

They can, if your smart lock has a numerical keypad. While you have your family’s main numerical access code, you can assign temporary ones to friends and family who may be staying over. These codes are also ideal for babysitters, housesitters, dog walkers and other workers you employ. The codes can be activated and deactivated at your discretion. This is your home security, and you’re in control of it.

These are some important ways smart locks go hand-in-hand with home security. To learn more about smart locks, call Post Alarm. We will be glad to answer your questions.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

Artificial Intelligence that Works for Your Home
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Artificial Intelligence that Works for Your Home

August 11th, 2020


Not so long ago, people had very different ideas about what “the future” meant. Now, we realize that the future is less about flying cars and more about automation and intelligence. It started with the home computer, continued with smartphones, and has advanced to a place where we now use artificial intelligence (AI) to make life easier. It’s nothing to be afraid of; when it works for your home and family, AI is your ally.

What AI Accomplishes at Home

The AI that’s used to make home life easier is what powers our smart home systems. These systems provide advanced home security services, but the advantages don’t end there. In addition to managing your home security system, you can use the AI in your smart home system to perform these functions and more:
  • Lock and unlock your smart lock equipped doors.
  • Raise or lower your automated window shades.
  • Control your connected smart lights inside the home.
  • Adjust the thermostat to save energy and make the home comfortable.

Artificial Intelligence with a Human Touch

AI isn’t entirely artificial; when you control it with your device, you add a human touch and customize it to your home and family. With the Scenes feature, all your connected smart home devices communicate with each other to perform these tasks in the order you choose. You can create custom scenes that align with the way your household runs; that means lights come on, doors lock and temperatures adjust at the time you need them to.
A smart home system is more than an elevated home security system. It’s also artificial intelligence that works for your home. Contact call Post Alarm to learn more. We’ll be happy to answer your questions.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.
In These Times, the Doorbell Camera is Powerful
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In These Times, the Doorbell Camera is Powerful

August 8th, 2020


If your doorway is seeing more visitors these days, that can be a sign that life is slowly getting back to normal. However, that also means it’s time to be aware of the home security gaps that can appear when people are at your front door often.
To narrow those gaps, you need technology that can watch over your doorway 24/7 and put your mind at ease. We have that technology here: the doorbell camera, that simple but important innovation that can give your doorway the extra monitoring it needs. Here are some things you can do with your doorbell camera.

Answer the door from wherever you are.

 Did you know that burglars often ring a home’s doorbell before deciding whether to proceed with a crime? That’s what makes your video doorbell a great tool for crime deterrence. Whether you’re at work, at a friend’s house or on vacation, your doorbell camera will show you who is there and what they’re doing. If you need to communicate with them, you can; the two-way voice technology makes it easy. If you don’t want them to know you aren’t home, you don’t have to tell them.

Protect your valuable deliveries.

By connecting to your other smart home security devices, your doorbell camera can help you get your packages inside and keep them safe from porch pirates. Here’s an example: If you have opted to have smart locks installed, you’ll be able to unlock the door with your phone and ask a delivery person to leave your package inside.
Because of the video technology, you’ll be able to verify who they are and watch them in action – and as they walk away, you’ll be able to lock the doors again using your phone. This is the kind of home security you need for today’s challenges.

Use it as a home security camera.

Your video doorbell camera is a functioning doorbell with an audible chime, just like a traditional doorbell. But unlike a traditional doorbell, it’s also a full smart home security camera that can capture and send you footage of suspicious activity. You’ll be able to use those video clips as evidence you can share with neighbors, social media contacts or law enforcement. That way, others can see what the suspicious characters at your door looked like.
A doorbell camera is a powerful tool for home security. If you don’t have one yet, call Post Alarm Systems to learn more. We’ll be glad to speak with you.

About Post Alarm Systems

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.
Save on Energy with a Smart Home System
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Save on Energy with a Smart Home System

August 3rd, 2020


Does it seem like your household energy bills get higher in the summer? In 2020, many people will see theirs being even higher due to staying home more this year. To combat this, some serious cost cutting measures are in order. But if kids have been home doing distance learning or parents have been there working remotely, it can be hard to use less energy. Fortunately, one way you may be able to cut costs is with your home’s cooling system. How is this doable in the hot Southern California summer? It’s possible if you have a smart home system, equipped with an energy-saving smart thermostat.
With its ENERGY STAR ® certified smart technology, a smart thermostat can help you save money every month, including the hot summer months. Here’s what you can expect it to do.

Automatically stop cooling when the house is empty.

One of the many ways we tend to use too much energy in the summer is by leaving the AC on when the house is empty. It might seem like a good idea at the time, until the bill arrives the following month. But with a smart thermostat, those days are over. Because it’s equipped with Geo-Services technology, your smart thermostat stops running the AC automatically when you leave the house. No more overcooling the house when nobody’s home, which keeps your energy bill down.

Tell you when open windows and doors are costing you money.

When a window or door is cracked open, the cold, conditioned air leaks out of the house – and figuratively, money leaks from your wallet along with it. But with a smart thermostat that’s connected to your security system and controlled by your smartphone, you’ll know immediately when a door or window is left open. Not only will you receive a notification, but the air conditioning will also automatically pause until the problem door or window is closed. This is smart technology that helps you save money all year long, especially in the summer.

Make your lighting more intelligent and connected.

Energy efficient lightbulbs are a great innovation, but their benefits only go so far. By changing out some of your existing household lighting for smart lights, you’ll be able to connect your lights to your security system and control them with your mobile phone.
From the palm of your hand, you’ll have the ability to turn lights on or off any time you want to. If you like, take things one step further and program them to come on at specific times of day. This cuts down on excessive lighting, which cuts down your energy bill.
With a smart thermostat, your days of paying too much for household energy can be over. Learn more about this technology by contacting Post Alarm Systems. We will be glad to answer your questions.

About Post Alarm Systems

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.
Summer Safety Tips to Take Seriously
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Summer Safety Tips to Take Seriously

July 21st, 2020


Combine the high temperatures, more time at home and maybe a vacation, and you have a recipe for summer fun. However, these are also the same things that make summer a time of greater risks to your home and family. In a year that has already presented some unprecedented challenges, your family needs ways to enjoy a safer summer in 2020. Here are some tips to get started.

Be aware of summer burglary risks.

Criminals see crimes of opportunity in warmer weather, longer daylight hours, relaxed routines and homeowners being away on vacation. By keeping your vacation plans off social media and installing outdoor smart cameras that send you mobile alerts and video clips, you can protect your home from vulnerability.

Keep outdoor play areas safe.

Not all childhood injuries are minor. Falls and accidents in the yard can be serious, especially if unsafe play equipment is involved. Make sure nothing is broken, loose or rusting on your outdoor play equipment, and consider whether your family may benefit from installing smart cameras that overlook the yard.

Protect kids around the pool.

For many Southern California families, the swimming pool is the go-to for summer fun. Of course, the pool may also present the greatest safety risk of anything on your property. Help protect all the kids who use your pool by:
  • Putting the proper flotation devices on them.
  • Making sure an adult is by the pool to carefully supervise swimming.
  • Laying and enforcing ground rules for horseplay, jumping in and diving.
There is also smart home security that can help you protect kids around the pool. By placing a smart contact sensor at your pool gate, you can receive a mobile alert the moment a child attempts to open the gate.
To learn more about any of the home security technologies here, contact Post Alarm Systems. We look forward to helping you find solutions to keep your family safer.

About Post Alarm Systems

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.
Smart Home Apprehension is Real. Here’s How to Avoid It
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Smart Home Apprehension is Real. Here’s How to Avoid It

June 30th, 2020


When it comes to smart home devices, some homeowners start off frustrated when it comes to using their smart home devices. But it doesn’t have to be that way; by using a smart home service provider like us, you can get the most value from your smart home technology. Here are some benefits we can offer you.

Professional Installation and Setup

Installing smart home technology requires a higher level of technical expertise than many homeowners have. And even after those physical installation steps are complete, you’ll need more professional help for setup, configuration, adding the system to your home network and integrating it with all of your other devices. The more devices you have, the more work it can be – but when you opt for professional installation, that work will be ours.

A Smarter, More Secure Home

There’s home security, and then there’s smart home security. If you’ve opted to include security services in your smart home system, then you can rest assured that every alarm activation will be answered by a trained security professional at the central station. And if you add on smart security cameras, there are even more benefits – like an immediate alert to your smartphone whenever someone’s at the door.

Unparalleled Support and Service

Homeowners who fly solo with smart home technology are missing out on the convenience of professional support. When your system encounters a problem, you don’t want to miss out too. Rather than attempting to troubleshoot the issue yourself, you can call your smart home service provider. Many times, we can troubleshoot and solve problems remotely. This is the unparalleled support you need.
Smart home apprehension is understandable – but with us at your side, there’s nothing to be nervous about. To learn more our professional smart home services, call Post Alarm Systems. We will be glad to show you what’s possible.

About Post Alarm Systems

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.