The Image Sensor: A Great Addition to Your System
As technology evolves, photo images get clearer and crisper. Now, it’s not just your smartphone that delivers those images to you; even your home security system can send them as well. It’s made possible by an image sensor, which is a device you can opt to include in your system if you would like to receive high-definition photos of your home by text or email at specific times of day.
What the Image Sensor Is
An image sensor is a smart device that combines motion sensor technology with a still shot camera. It can integrate with your home security system to give you the same interactive control you have with video surveillance technology, but in a still image format.
What the Image Sensor Does
Just like a video security camera, the image sensor can intelligently detect activity in whatever room it’s in, day or night, and capture an image that gets sent to you in the form of a text alert or email. But unlike a video clip, a still image can be viewed in an instant – making it a quicker, less disruptive review if you only have a second.
What Events it Can Capture
When the sensor takes an image is up to you. You can set it up for certain times of day – the kids’ afterschool arrival time, or the time a caregiver is supposed to arrive. In fact, some people find it to be a less intrusive way to check on a caregiver than a traditional “nanny cam.” With a still shot instead of video, you can see a quick snapshot during the kids’ meal time, nap time or play time and have the same peace of mind.
Other Ways to Use the Sensor
Scheduling images certain times is just one way to use the image sensor in your system. Because of the motion detection technology, you can also set it up to capture images triggered by motion. Also, the image sensor can be mounted in any room of the home, on corners or flat surfaces, and at almost any angle. Because it’s powered by a cellular connection, it doesn’t even need wi-fi – making it a great security solution for your vacation home in the mountains or desert where connections are spotty.
To learn more about the image sensor or other new home security technology, call Post Alarm Systems. We’ll be glad to answer your questions.
About Post Alarm Systems
To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678