Protection from Crash and Smash Break-Ins
If a criminal breaks into your home and smashes the security panel to keep it from working, can your system still protect you? If your home security system has crash and smash protection, it can. Let’s look at what a crash and smash break-in is, and how our special crash and smash protection can outmaneuver perpetrators who try to carry them out.
How Crash and Smash Break-Ins Work
When planning a crash and smash attack, a criminal’s objective is to take advantage of the security system’s 30 to 60 second time delay. This delay gives the system time before sounding the alarm or triggering the emergency signal. During this time, the homeowner can disarm the system so the alarm won’t sound and the monitoring center will reach out to see whether help is needed. But in a crash and smash attack, the criminal obliterates the panel and its ability to signal for help. Effectively, it disables the system.
How Crash and Smash Protection Works
When you have crash and smash protection, even a smashed panel will not prevent your system from signaling for help during a break-in. The protection relies on cloud security technology, which ensures that the signal is sent to the monitoring center quickly and effectively. Meanwhile, you’ll receive a text alert about what is taking place and the criminal will be none the wiser. It essentially outsmarts the criminal, which is exactly what you want.
Crash and smash protection is the powerful, tamper-proof technology every home security system needs. To inquire about adding it to your system, contact Post Alarm Systems. We can answer your questions about this great enhancement to your system.
About Post Alarm Systems
To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.