New Year’s Security Resolutions for Your Home
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New Year’s Security Resolutions for Your Home

January 19th, 2022

It’s not too late to make some more New Year’s resolutions, especially if they’re for the security of your home and family. Crimes ranging from porch theft to home burglary to assault have spiked throughout Southern California, and these unfortunate trends are on track to continue throughout 2022. It’s still the beginning of the year, so now is the time to get prepared by adding these to your home security repertoire.


Home Security Cameras 

Many homeowners have doorbell cameras, and that’s a great thing. But to canvas your home in protection, you need additional home security cameras. That’s why our Professional Home bundle includes both. With this package, you can get the comprehensive camera coverage you need, locally based security system monitoring, and smartphone integration of all your home security services, starting at the low price of $1,088. 

Night Shield® 

There are cameras, and then there are night-vision cameras with analytics. With the low-light capability and true smart analytics with these powerful devices, intruders on your property will be unable to elude being caught on camera. And with our Night Shield® service, you can take your nighttime home security to the next level. 

Being a Post Alarm Night Shield customer is like having your own private security team at home. When an intruder is detected on your home security camera at night, our monitoring center enters a description of the suspect and Patrol or local enforcement is dispatched to your home immediately. Our Patrol and Dispatch Center are trained to work with your local police, increasing the likelihood of the suspect being apprehended. 

For a more protected home in 2022, let us help you fulfill these home security resolutions. Call Post Alarm today to learn more about our Professional Home bundle and exclusive Night Shield service.


About Post Alarm 

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678. 

Put a Halt to Holiday House Fires
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Put a Halt to Holiday House Fires

November 29th, 2021

It’s the holiday season again, and you want yours to be memorable for all the right reasons. One way to make sure your family enjoys this time of year as much as possible is by doing everything you can to reduce your risk of a house fire. Here are some important tips for lowering your fire risk at home during the holidays.


Be smart with your Christmas tree.

According to the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 160 home fires that started with Christmas trees every year from 2015 to 2019. Sadly, these fires caused an annual average of two deaths, 12 injuries, and $10 million in direct property damage. To help prevent this from happening to your family, you can:

  • Buy a tree closer to Christmas day from a farm that allows you to watch it be freshly cut. 
  • Water your tree every day you use it, and promptly take it down once it dries out. 
  • Keep your tree away from direct heat sources like radiators, space heaters, and candles. 


Use heat and candles with caution.

That last guideline is overlooked far too often, with tragic consequences. The NFPA reports in two out of every five decoration fire incidents, the decoration was too close to a heat source such as a candle or heating equipment. Candles cause 45% of the home decoration fires that fire departments respond to every December. The NFPA recommends you keep candles at least 12 inches away from anything flammable. 


Put safety first with cooking and baking.

The NFPA states the three peak days for home cooking fires are Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve. Whether holiday foods are cooking on the stove or in the oven, stay nearby and turn off the appliance immediately if anything begins to burn. 

NFPA data also shows that cooking equipment was involved in one out of every five home decoration fires. To prevent this, keep decorative items, including kitchen towels, at least 12 inches away from cooking equipment and appliances.

Protect your home with fire detection.

In addition to having the required number of working smoke detectors in your home, you need a fire alert system that responds to a fire emergency and quickly gets help to your home. At Post Alarm, we own and operate our own UL-listed monitoring station; that’s where our locally-based agents dispatch fire and emergency services to your home the moment you need them. To get this protection for your home and family, call Post Alarm today. We’ll be glad to answer your questions.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678. 

Night Shield Security for Halloween Night
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Night Shield Security for Halloween Night

October 28th, 2021

We’re approaching another year of kids and parents celebrating Halloween more cautiously due to COVID, but that’s not the only safety issue to be concerned with this Halloween. For homeowners throughout LA County, the other safety imperative is keeping our homes and neighborhoods safe from the vandalism and intrusion spikes that seem to happen every Halloween.

Eye-Opening Halloween Crime Data

Statistics released by Travelers Insurance point to an annual 22% spike in crime-related home insurance claims the week of Halloween. They report that Halloween crime often begins on October 30, with insurance claims increasing by 2%. On October 31, the claims rise to a 16% increase — and by the morning of November 1, they rocket to a shocking 46% increase as homeowners report the crimes that happened the night before. That’s a sobering reminder of just how vulnerable your property is the week of Halloween.

No More Innocent Halloween Pranks

Most of us are old enough to remember when Halloween decorations amounted to a candlelit jack-o-lantern on the front porch. But now, many homeowners adorn their yards with inflatable Halloween decorations that cost a pretty penny.

Just as you have upped your Halloween game, the vandals in your neighborhood have too. Yours is about creating a more festive atmosphere, while theirs is about doing more damage. Innocent pranks like pumpkin smashing have been replaced with theft of large decorations, vandalism of homes and even break-ins. It’s time to get serious about protecting your home at Halloween.

Protection for Halloween Night and Beyond

Fortunately, Post Alarm has home security technology that can help protect your home during the dark nighttime hours. It’s Night Shield security technology, a service that uses smarter security cameras, sends suspicious activity alerts directly to our monitoring center 24/7, and dispatches our Post Alarm patrol services to your home while the crime is in progress (in addition to notifying you via text alert).

This can be your best defense against crime on Halloween night and beyond. And because businesses are also highly susceptible to crime on Halloween night, Night Shield can be used for small businesses as well.

Criminal activity on Halloween night is a real concern this year, but we can help. Call Post Alarm today to learn more about our Night Shield security service.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

Keeping Security Patrol Services Year-Round
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Keeping Security Patrol Services Year-Round

September 28th, 2021

Summer may be over, but this is no time to scale back on security patrol services. Because the warm weather persists year-round in Southern California, nighttime criminals continue to strike in local communities throughout fall and winter as well. Police departments are heavily burdened, which is what makes private security patrol forces so valuable. At Post Alarm, we offer patrol services you can have confidence in all year long. Here’s what makes them superior to any other private security options in the region.

Stringent Hiring Practices
Post Alarm has some of the most stringent hiring practices for private security patrols in the entire state. Most companies use background screening, but we go above and beyond the traditional drug test and criminal check. We also insist on a pre-employment polygraph test, which ensures our patrol officers are honest, trustworthy individuals who deeply care about protecting our local communities.

Frequent Training Mandates
In a time of high demand for specific types of law enforcement training, we have long been ahead of the curve. For many years, we’ve given our private patrol officers monthly training in some of the most important areas of security service. Those areas include:

  • De-escalation
  • Customer service
  • Lifesaving and CPR
  • Tasers and firearms
  • Critical certifications
We make deep investments in our patrol forces, and we know those investments will be reflected in the quality of their work they provide you.

Better Tools for Better Outcomes
We also invest in high quality tools for our private patrol officers. Southern California neighborhoods require patrols that are quiet, discreet, situationally aware and prepared for anything. From the light bars on the vehicles to the GPS coordinates, our officers have the tools they need to respond quickly and professionally.

Your neighborhood needs private security patrols you can count on all year long. That’s what we provide at Post Alarm. To learn more about our private patrol services, Southern California homeowners and HOA managers should call Post Alarm today.

About Post Alarm
To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

Auto Door Locks: A Smarter Lock Option
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Auto Door Locks: A Smarter Lock Option

September 8th, 2021

Auto door locks are sometimes called “smart locks” because of their intelligent capability and connectivity. Smart locks can replace traditional keys with an electronic lock so homeowners can have a smarter, completely keyless way to secure their homes. Here are some of the advantages these auto door locks can provide. 

Keyless Entry Options

Keyless entry isn’t limited to a single mechanism; there are multiple locking and unlocking methods from which to choose. Whether it’s a numeric code you enter into your keypad or the lock/unlock button you tap on your mobile app, an auto door lock gives you the flexibility that traditional keys can’t. Imagine never being locked out of the house again. It’s a great feeling. 

Remote Locking and Unlocking 

Giving access to a family member, friend or neighbor is a cinch with the remote capability of a smart lock. You can even let in a worker or delivery person from wherever you are, whether it’s the office or your tropical vacation. When you see someone at the door with your doorbell camera, all it takes is a tap on your mobile app to unlock the door for them.

Connectivity to Multiple Devices 

By connecting to your WiFi, Bluetooth or Z-Wave, smart locks can receive commands and integrate with devices like your video doorbell and home security
alarm with Post Alarm monitoring. As part of our Professional Home package, it can also integrate with your smartphone, enabling remote management. Doing so lets you to see who is at your front door, unlock if a guest arrives before you, or allow someone to place a package inside the door. 

Smart Speaker Voice Command 

For locking and unlocking inside the house without getting up, you can integrate your smart lock with your Amazon Echo or Google Home smart speaker. This is a wonderful safety feature for answering the door without abandoning the stove as you’re cooking, the kids while they’re swimming, or your bed if you’re convalescing.

These are some of the reasons millions of homeowners have opted to have smart locks installed. To find out if an auto door lock is a good home security measure for you, call Post Alarm to inquire about our Professional Home security package. 

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

DIY Security for Dads this Father’s Day
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DIY Security for Dads this Father’s Day

June 15th, 2021

The past year has brought about some big changes for dads. Some spent months working from home and are now going back to their onsite workplaces. Others may still work from home but have limited time to spend on home improvement projects due to the demands of remote employment.

If one of those dads lives with you, consider giving him the gift of a simple, starter DIY home security system from Post Alarm. Our Light & Easy system is easy for Dad to install himself and includes all the essentials your family needs to feel secure at home.

Self-Installation Security Features

Light & Easy contains all the basics of a high-quality starter security system, including:

  • Three door and window sensors and one motion detector.
  • A powerful touchscreen keypad control panel with an embedded interior camera.
  • A high-decibel alarm siren with audibility that scares off intruders.
  • An infrared pet-immune motion detector prevents the alarm from sounding if the “intruder” is a pet rather than a person.
  • Auto door locks to help your family move past the security risks of traditional door locks.

This system is everything Dad needs for a simple but effective home security setup. In addition, to have this system monitored by our locally-based central station, we make it easy to budget at just $43 per month.

Add-On Features for Now of the Future

As a starter security system, Light & Easy has the ability for you to expand its features, either now or in the future.

Night Shield®
An excellent add-on option is Night Shield®, our overnight security patrol service that uses smart and AI technology to help families throughout Southern California stay protected from vehicle theft and nighttime prowling. With the spike in vehicle theft throughout Los Angeles County, Night Shield® is valuable in the crime-heavy summer months.

Please note Night Shield® is exclusively available in areas with Post Alarm Patrol service.

Doorbell Camera
The doorbell camera tells you who’s at the front door and lets you communicate with them via the two-way voice speaker. If you have kids and parents coming home at different times of day, a doorbell camera is a great way to keep family routines connected. Using smartphone integration, you can unlock the door for delivery drivers and ask them to leave your packages inside.

Smartphone Integration
If Dad and Mom want the convenience of controlling these features using their smartphones, we make smartphone integration an optional add-on to the Light & Easy package. Connecting your Light & Easy system to your smartphone is the best way to maximize its effectiveness.

We make DIY security easy for the dad in your life, so call Post Alarm today to give him the gift of home security this Father’s Day. We’re ready to help you get started.


About Post Alarm

To learn more about any of the home security technologies discussed here, contact Post Alarm today. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

What We Can Learn from How HOAs Approach Security
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What We Can Learn from How HOAs Approach Security

April 26th, 2021

Owners of single-family homes can learn a lot from homeowner associations (HOAs) in their approach to security. After all, HOAs are often responsible for the security of dozens, if not hundreds, of homes. Because of this, HOAs have traditionally been early adopters of video surveillance, private patrols, and other security services. Here are some HOA insights from which homeowners can learn.

Lots of visitors means lots of risk.

In some HOA communities, there can be endless streams of neighbors moving in and out all year-round. On top of that, all of these residents have their own visitors frequenting the property. This is one reason HOAs go strong on security; they know even if all of their homeowners are law-abiding, there could be visitors who have criminal intentions. All of these factors inform the decisions of those responsible for HOA security. They can inform you when considering what home security measures you need to take as the owner of a single-family home.


Private patrols and nighttime surveillance can help.

An HOA may consider taking advantage of our Private Patrol Services that deter property crime with their consistent presence and vigilance. Homeowners like you can get incredible security benefits from our NightShield monitoring service: patrol, smart video, text alerts, and nighttime dispatch while you sleep. Combining the technology behind both of these services sets up a complete shield of protection that is incredibly efficient at deterring crime for HOAs and single-family homes.


Extra security is worth the investment.

If you’re the owner of a single-family home, you can supplement NightShield and other video surveillance with our Private Patrol Services. As our local patrol team members get to know your neighborhood, they promptly flag what they recognize as unusual activity. Next, they communicate with authorities so the activity can be investigated right away. The services are easily customized to your preference, and additional services such as vacation-watch are also available—a valuable security measure to take advantage of in the summer months. There’s a lot that owners of single-family homes can learn from the security insights of homeowner associations.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about any of the home security technologies discussed here, contact Post Alarm today. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

Reasons to Go Pro with Home Security in 2021
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Reasons to Go Pro with Home Security in 2021

March 9th, 2021

Reasons to Go Pro with Home Security in 2021

There are lots of things you can do yourself around the house successfully, with effective results. However, installing your own home security system isn’t one of them. The truth is, the home security systems people install themselves are nothing more than basic burglar alarms – and in Los Angeles County, most homeowners need more proactive intervention.

In 2021, it’s time to go pro with your home security technology. Here are some of the most important reasons to do it.

Protection against home invasion.

When it comes to home invasion, there’s good news and bad news. LAPD data shows that 2020 had the lowest home invasions in a decade; however, more than 13,000 were still reported. 2021 is the year to get serious about protecting your home against break-ins, so that criminals will be further discouraged to attempt this crime.

If a lawbreaker is foolish enough to attempt a break-in, your professional security system will trigger the audible alarm while also calling our central station monitoring center. All of this happens automatically, and gets the police to your home much faster than a do-it-yourself system would.

Protection for your outdoor property.

Here, we’re referring to your personal vehicles and any other equipment you may have outside. The LAPD reported almost 21,000 automobile thefts in 2020, and that crime continues to be on the uptick as we move further into the new year. A home security system that’s professionally installed, monitored and integrated with cameras specifically designed for overnight protection is the best way to guard your entire property from crime.

Protection from environmental risks.

A professional security system can also protect your family from dangerous environmental risks: fire, carbon monoxide and flooding. This happens with system components like:

  • Smart smoke detectors that communicate with our monitoring center.
  • A carbon monoxide (CO) detector to alert you when this toxic, unscented gas is present.
  • High water sensors that detect flooding before it becomes catastrophic.

Protection from high energy bills.

An amateur security system does nothing to protect you from the rising cost of utilities. In the hot summer months of Southern California, a professional security system with smart home technology can put your thermostats and lighting on autopilot to reduce the money you spend on energy. If you’ve never heard about using your home security system to keep your energy bills down, ask us for more info.

These are the reasons why choosing a professional security system means choosing protection for your family. For questions about making this choice in 2021, call Post Alarm today. We’ll be happy to speak with you.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.

Introducing Night Shield by Post Alarm
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Introducing Night Shield by Post Alarm

March 2nd, 2021

Newly released LAPD data shows that the second most common crime of 2020 in Los Angeles was car theft. Shockingly, the pandemic led to a 33% increase in the crime, with 20,934 vehicles stolen last year. 

Fortunately, there is home security technology that can also help protect your vehicles during the dark nighttime hours. At Post Alarm, were excited to introduce that 360° protection with Night Shield technology. 

Smarter Security with Night Shield 

Night Shield uses smarter security cameras that send alerts directly to our monitoring center when suspicious activity is detected during the night. With this fast-acting security technology, patrol is dispatched and crime is deterred in a matter of seconds. Best of all, your sleep is uninterrupted. Thats what makes Night Shield the best way to protect your family from intrusion night after night. 

Night Shield for Businesses 

Night Shield is also an ideal technology for businesses, providing an overnight defense against thieves and trespassers who would breach the security of your business property. With immediate smartphone notifications, youll never be in the dark about whats going on while youre away. 

To inquire about our new Night Shield security technology, contact Post Alarm today. We look forward to telling you more. 

About Post Alarm 

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678. 

New Year’s Resolutions and Your Smart Home
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New Year’s Resolutions and Your Smart Home

February 11th, 2021

For many people, 2021 deserves bigger New Years resolutions than ever before. In addition to eating better and sleeping more, you might pledge to start making the most of the family time you have during this new normal. What if you also made an effort to align your home with this new goal? Here are some ways you can use smart home technology to take back your time in 2021.

Making coming home more pleasant.

After the turmoil of 2020 and a rough start to 2021, many of us are simply hoping for a more peaceful year ahead. If youre working onsite at your place of employment and you want coming home to be a more enjoyable experience, we can help. Our smart home systems contain a Scenes feature that can detect when youre almost home and automate your front door lock, garage door, indoor lights and security system so that everything is ready for your arrival. That means no fumbling for keys or coming home to a cold, dark house. Peaceful and pleasant!

Put your home to work for you.

Everyone in the family should be responsible for those obligatory chores that keep the home running smoothly: doing dishes, taking out trash, keeping restrooms clean. But that doesnt mean everyone should spend all their time at home doing busywork. With the right smart home technology, you can put your home to work for you by automating your security, lights, locks, heating and more. That means less time flipping on lights, adjusting the thermostat and setting the alarm – and more time enjoying each others company instead.

Keep your family connected.

Many kids are home alone doing remote learning right now, and parents need all the help they can to stay connected during the day. With the two-way voice communicators in your cameras, its possible to talk to the kids anytime you check on them using your live video feed. Its a great way to help you feel more connected until you get home at night.

By making your smart home technology work for you, you can feel good about keeping an important New Years resolution. To find out about any of the products and services mentioned here, call Post Alarm. Well be glad to answer your questions.

About Post Alarm

To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.