3 Ways to Keep Your Neighborhood Safer
For most homeowners, concerns about criminal activity don’t stop at the front door; they extend throughout the entire neighborhood. Maybe that’s why, according to a new home security poll, 55% of us watch each other’s homes when we travel. With that in mind, here are three ways to make your neighborhood a safer place for everyone.
1. Connect with your neighbors.
Getting to know your neighbors is a lost art, but your mutual safety goals can help bring you together. By connecting with those who live around you, you can build trusting relationships and work together to keep everyone safe.
Of course, it can be hard to connect with your neighbors in person. Consider using simple digital tools, like neighborhood Facebook groups and mobile apps. These platforms are great for sharing information and discussing any suspicious neighborhood activity.
2. Use electronic home security.
Electronic home security systems are major obstructions to burglars and thieves. Many of them check front yards for alarm signs and cameras – and if they can tell a system is installed, most will decide it’s not worth the risk. Now, imagine if everyone on your street had a home security system. Chances are, those would-be criminals would avoid your entire block. It’s another way neighbors can work together to keep everyone safe.
3. Add smart security cameras.
Many criminals operate by returning to the same neighborhoods over and over. If you and your neighbors have smart security cameras, you can be the key to capturing these repeat offenders in the act. Smart security cameras send video alerts to your phone; these are clips you can download and share via text, email or social media. Not only can you share them with your neighbors; you can also share them with your local law enforcement.
Following these steps can make a real difference in the place you and your neighbors call home. To learn more about keeping your neighborhood safe with electronic security technology, call Post Alarm Systems. We will be happy to answer your questions.
About Post Alarm Systems
To learn more about Southern California security technology, come see us at Post Alarm Systems. Our highly qualified and experienced home security experts can answer all your questions. Call us today at 1-800-654-7678.