Reach Out

Vacation Patrol

When you need assistance, we’re here for you. Many answers are on our FAQ page. To learn more about how our services can protect you, give us a call Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm or fill out this form any time. But our central station is always ready to respond to an incident 24/7.

    Vacation Patrol or Special Watch

    Please allow 48 hours not including weekend to process your request.
    Required for Post Alarm's alarm monitoring customers.

    Please select Vacation Patrol if you are out of town, or Special Watch if you will be still at home.
    Move my mail - to back porch
    Move my mail - other location (add specific info in notes section below)
    Remove my Newspaper - discard
    Remove my Newspaper - place with mail
    Please enter a temporary call number. If you have a second number you want listed, please add it to the notes.
    Extra Drive by
    Spot Lighting
    Foot Patrol - only available if no one is at home
    Date on which Vacation Patrol or Special Watch should Begin
    Hour Minutes
    Date on which Vacation Patrol or Special Watch should End
    Hour Minutes

    Site Address

    Please note if anyone is staying at the house, and if anyone has a special code word while they are there. Please note if anyone at all will be stopping by, if there are pets on property, or a unique gate code is needed during this time.

    Please note that if your form is submitted after business hours, a Post Alarm team member will promptly contact you the next business day.